About the Classes


We are offering free Gurmukhi to Shahmukhi, Shahmukhi to Gurmukhi and English to Gurmukhi Classes online.

Our ancestors who migrated in 1947 to East Punjab from West Punjab or to West Punjab from East Punjab knew Shahmukhi and Gurmukhi scripts of Punjabi Languages. Do you know Gurmukhi and want to learn Shahmukhi, or you know Shahmukhi and want to learn Gurmukhi, or you know English and want to learn Gurmukhi? So that you can read and understand literature of the respective script and reconnect with the rich heritage that you have been separated from for over 70 years.

Jeevay Sanjha Punjab offers free online classes for you to learn:
a)    Shahmukhi from Gurmukhi
b)    Gurmukhi from Shahmukhi.
c)     English to Gurmukhi.

These classes help the people of Punjab to transcend national borders to create more understanding and mutual respect between Punjabis on both sides of border.


Each class batch has 10 professionally presented classes in Panjabi for one hour each through zoom webinar held on weekend evenings as per time times in Lahore and Amritsar. We hold optional zoom office hours in between each class.  Each class begins with a nostalgic video kalaam of Sufis (such as Baba Farid, Waris Shah, Bulleh Shah, and Madho Lal Hussain) to promote interfaith and intercultural harmony based on the knowledge that each side has been cut off from the other side due to language barriers for over 70 years.  It is time for our generation to learn from our history and reconnect with the rich heritage of Sanjha Punjab by learning both scripts of Punjabi.

So, Do you know Gurmukhi and want to learn Shahmukhi? 
Or do you know Shahmukhi and want to learn Gurmukhi?
Or you know English and want to learn Gurmukhi?

Jeevay Sanjha Punjab is there to help you learning these beautiful scripts of Punjabi. Join our classes to begin your journey to learn Gurmukhi or Shahmukhi.

Click on the buttons below and register for our next Shahmukhi or Gurmukhi Batch.